General Concepts
3.4. OPTIONS (Not fully implemented)
Applications, Hosts and Related Objects
Users, Roles, and Organizations
5. Pagination, Filtering, and Sorting
Predefined Searching Attributes
The AGM API service is available through HTTPS only. If a web request comes to HTTP port 80, it will be redirected to the HTTPS port 443 automatically.
JSON is the only supported format for both request (inbound) and response (outbound) entity bodies, except certain streaming APIs for downloading/uploading raw data. UTF-8 encoding is the only supported encoding for both URLs and entity bodies.
Method Name | Description | |
GET | Get an individual resource or a list of resources | |
POST | Create a resource or perform an operation on a resource | |
PUT | Incrementally update an individual resource | |
DELETE | Remove resource(s) | |
OPTIONS | Get meta information about the resource (not fully implemented) | |
HEAD | Get a count of resources that meet filter criteria |
In AGM, HTTP PUT is used to update rather than replace existing resources. Any attribute that is absent in the payload retains its current value.
Due to implementation limitation, special handling is needed for the following cases:
AGM API service treats a null valued attribute and absence of the attribute equivalently. Therefore, there is no way to easily unset an attribute through a PUT call. The workaround is provided case by case in the API specification details.
For example:
PUT .../resource
“attribute1” : null,
API service will consider attribute1 as absent in the request. Therefore attribute1 will retain its current value.
HEAD is used to get an estimated count of resources that meet filter criteria.
HTTP header Actifio-Count represents the estimated count in the response:
Actifio-Count: <number>
Here are a couple of examples:
Get estimated number of total backup resources:
HEAD .../backup
Actifio-Count: 9771
Get an estimated number of backup resources that are from an application with an ID of 891061:
HEAD .../backup?limit=10&filter=appid:==891061
Actifio-Count: 37
Note that any pagination control such as limit=10 in the query string is ignored if supplied.
OPTIONS is used to get metadata about an endpoint. The most common use is to discover the filter and sort fields that are available.
The following example shows that the role endpoint supports filtering, sorting, and pagination. It also lists all fields that can be filtered or sorted:
OPTIONS .../role
"GET(list)" : {
"filterable" : true,
"sortable" : true,
"pageable" : true,
"sortablefields" : [ "id", "name", "description", "createdate" ],
"filterablefields" : [ {
"field" : "organizationid",
"type" : "Long"
}, {
"field" : "name",
"type" : "String"
}, {
"field" : "description",
"type" : "String"
}, {
"field" : "createdate",
"type" : "Long"
}, {
"field" : "id",
"type" : "Long"
} ]
HTTP Status Code | Description |
200 | OK with a response entity body. |
Object created with a response entity body. Due to implementation limitations, 200 instead of 201 is used. | |
204 | OK with no response entity body. |
400 | Bad request. Usually it comes with a response entity body to represent the details of the error. Same applies to the other 4XX and 5XX codes, except 401 and 403. |
401 | Authentication required (either no session id specified or the id is invalid/expired) WWW-Authenticate header is returned with either “Basic” scheme (for login API) or “Actifio” scheme (for any other APIs) |
403 | Authorization failure. Operation is not permitted in the user session identified by the session id. |
404 | Nonexist resource. |
405 | Particular HTTP method is not allowed for this resource |
409 | Content conflict (violation of constraint) |
415 | Content-Type from the request is not acceptable by the server (application/json is the only one supported). |
500 | Server error. |
502 | The HTTPS Web server is up but the API service is not available. This could happen during the product upgrade process. |
In case of HTTP code 4xx and 5xx (except 401 and 403), the response entity body is as follows:
“err_code”: <err_code>,
“err_message”: <err_message, optional>
Most of the APIs don’t allow anonymous access. Clients need to get a session id from a successful login and pass that session id with subsequent API calls.
An HTTP response with status code 401 indicates that authentication is required but the session id is either missing from request or is invalid/expired.
To login, make an HTTP POST call to the session resource endpoint with HTTP Authorization header using basic authentication scheme that contains Base64-encoded user credentials:
Authorization: Basic Base64(<username>:<password>)
An example of login call is as follows:
POST .../session
Authorization: Basic am9obl9zbWl0aDpwYXNzd29yZA==
A session_id attribute will be returned in the response, along with other attributes. The value of session_id is the session id which represents the login context of the specific user. The client supplies it in Authorization header with Actifio scheme for all subsequent API calls:
Authorization: Actifio <session_id>
session ids expire after 1 hour of inactivity. By default, any API calls carrying the session id will extend the session by another 1 hour. If the following request header with value of true (case insensitive) is specified with an API call, the session lifecycle will not be extended by this particular API call:
Actifio-No-Session-Refresh: true
An optional explicit logout can also be performed with a HTTP DELETE call to the session/current endpoint. An example of logout call is as follows:
DELETE .../session/current
Authorization: Actifio e28b2370-12f5-acad-916e-7e946891061d
AGM uses the same access control mechanism as the VDP appliances. When an API call carries a valid session id in its authorization header, the API service will evaluate the user context determined by the session id, to see if sufficient access rights are given to the user for the particular operation. In addition to the rights, resources are only visible to the user if both the resources and user belong to the same organizations.
If a user’s rights don’t satisfy an API’s requirement, a HTTP response with status code 403 will be returned to indicate that request is not permitted.
If some resources are not visible to a user due to the organization partitions, those resources will not be included in the response for a list view API. If the API is to retrieve or operate on those resources explicitly (e.g., if the resource id is leaked) then an HTTP response with status code 404 will be returned.
In AGM API, management objects are organized in resources.
Top level resources are those that have dedicated API endpoints so that they can be queried directly. Non-top level resources reside inside other resource objects. Usually they are not exposed to direct access.
Top resources are listed as follows grouped in various categories:
Session - for session management, including login and logout
Application - Applications are the fundamental unit managed by AGM.. They include virtual machines, databases, file systems, and cloud instances. Most applications are discovered by the VDP appliances, although some types are created by users. An application always resides on a host. A host can potentially contain multiple applications.
Consistency Group (CG) - With some restrictions, multiple applications on the same host can be grouped in a CG. A CG is treated like a single application. When protected, it runs the same capture or replicate job and it produces a single backup image for all member applications with identical consistent-date.
Logical Group (LG) - With some restrictions, multiple applications registered in the same VDP appliance can be grouped in a LG. Unlike CG, the members of LG are loosely coupled. Member applications in a LG are sharing the same SLA when protected. However each of the applications runs its own capture or replicate job and each of them produces its own backup image.
Host - Hosts are the physical or virtual machines (servers) that applications run on.
Backup - It represents a backup image or active image. An active image represents the disks used in mount, clone, live-clone, and fail-over operations.
Job - Jobs perform operations on applications, such as taking snapshots, copying images to OnVault or Dedup pools, or mounting images.
SLT - SLA policy template. It is a set of policies that run on a schedule.
SLP - SLA profile. It defines remote VDP, disk pools (including OnVault pools) and other resources that a SLA requires.
SLA - Service Level Agreement. It represents the protection of a specific target (application or CG). An SLA is the combination of a protection target, SLT, and SLP.
Diskpool - A diskpool represents storage. There are various types of diskpools, such as snapshot pools, dedup pools, and OnVault pool, etc. Diskpool can be configured to use an external storage array.
Array - Arrays represent external storage arrays used to configure external snapshot pools.
Cluster - Clusters represent VDP appliances which could be CDS, Sky, or CDX.
Event - It represents an event that was raised from an VDP appliance.
User - It represents a user entity. Multiple roles and organizations can be assigned to a single user.
Role - It represents a role. Multiple rights can be assigned to a single role.
Organization - It represents an organization. Organization can be nested.
Audit - It represents an audit record of AGM itself.
There are valid practices in which the same resource is registered in multiple VDP appliances. In that case, a unified resource presents in AGM rather than multiple copies coming from the appliances. This is called resource consolidation. The unified resource in API payload contains a “sources” attribute which is a JSON array to reflect the potentially different properties carried by particular appliances.
For example, a VM host can be registered/discovered from two VDP appliances. Therefore two individual host objects are created on the two appliances separately. If AGM manages both of the appliances, then there will be one consolidated host resource on AGM to represent this VM host, with “sources” carrying appliance-specific information such as the resource id on the appliance.
Not all types of resources are consolidated. For example, disk pools are specific to their hosting VDP appliances therefore each disk pool resource in AGM represents a unique disk pool on a single appliance, even if multiple such disk pools are pointing to the same external storage array.
Some top level resources have GET APIs that return a list of resources as response. They are referred to as list view APIs. The response entity body has a format described as follows:
“count” : <integer, number of resources returned>,
“items” : [
List view APIs support pagination. Please note that if sorting is not explicitly defined in the request, then the ordering of the resources is undetermined. Pagination still works though.
Query parameters “offset” and “limit” can be used to control the navigation of pages.
It indicates the starting index number of the potentially sorted resources. The value defaults to 0. If an value is supplied which is bigger than the total amount, a response with empty items will be returned:
“count” : 0,
“items” : [ ]
It indicates the upper limit of the maximum items that can be returned in the particular response.
Please note that the actual upper limit is decided by the API service based on the capacity of the server. It may be smaller than what is specified in this parameter. It defaults to 1000.
The following list view API returns up to 1000 applications with default offset of 0:
GET .../application?limit=1000
The following list view API returns up to 1000 application with offset of 1000 (i.e. this is the 2nd page to the response of the previous API call):
GET .../application?limit=1000&offset=1000
Some list view API supports filtering. To determine if a particular top resource supports filtering, use OPTIONS API as described in HTTP Method session. The optional query parameter “filter” can be used to control the filtering of the resources:
Filters can be multi-valued. The syntax of filters are defined as follows:
filters ::= filter["&" filters]*
filter ::= "filter=" attr_name ":" URLEncode(filter_operator attr_value)
filter_operator ::= exact_match | contains | greater_eq | less_eq | bitwise_and
exact_match ::= "=="
contains ::= "=|"
greater_eq ::= ">="
less_eq ::= "<="
bitwise_and ::= "=b"
exact_match applies to numeric, enum, string and timestamp types of attributes.
contains only applies to string.
greater_eq and less_eq apply to numeric and timestamp.
bitwise_and applies to boolean.
Any particular attr_name can only appear once in filters except for the following situations:
Characters in attr_value are literal. Wildcard characters are not supported.
As mentioned in the access control section, only resources that belong to the same organizations of the user (identified by the session id) will be returned in the list view API. In addition, explicit organization filer “organizationid” can be supplied to further narrow down the returning resources. The organization filter is available to all top level resources that allow organization assignments.
The following API call gets all backup resources that are snapshot images:
GET .../backup?filter=jobclasscode:==1
The following API call gets all applications that have “app” in their names:
GET .../application?filter=appname:=|app
Please note that URLEncoding needs to be applied properly as mentioned in the filter syntax section.
Some list view APIs support sorting through query parameters defined as follows.
sort ::= "sort=" URLEncode(ordered_sort_string)
ordered_sort_string ::= attr_name ":" ("asc" | "desc") [","
The following API call lists all hosts (up to the limit that API service determines) sorted by their AGM ids in ascending order:
GET .../host?sort=id:ASC
Some list view APIs support free text search through query parameter “keyword”.
keywords :: = keyword_item [“&” keywords]
keyword_item ::= “keyword=” URLEncode(string)
When keywords are supplied in the query against a supported resource, they are searched in case-insensitive mode for multiple attributes that are predefined with the product. The qualified search results are those items that have at least one predefined attribute containing at least one of the keywords supplied by the request. Free text search filters can be used in addition to the filtering/sorting/pagination features.
The following API call lists all hosts that have something to do with “ABC” case insensitively:
GET .../host?keyword=ABC
Resources that supports free text search | Predefined free text search attributes |
Application | "vmuuid", "hostname", "appname", "description", "networkname", "pathname", "sqlinstance", "sqlserverag" |
Backup | "vmuuid", "backupname", "label", "appname", "hostname", "slpname", "sltname", "policyname", "mountedmap" |
Event | "clustername", "objecttype", "messagetext", "errorcode", "errormessage", "jobname", "appname" |
Host | "uniquename", "hostname", "friendlypath", "svcname", "description", "ipaddress" |
Job | "jobname", "hostname", "targethost", "appname", "sltname", "policyname", "label" |